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Saloni M presents

The Journey to Ithaka

at La Mama Poetica, 205 Faraday Street, Carlton, Mon, 17 March, 8 pm

7 poets draw from the inspiration of Cavafy's famous philosophical poem by enjoying the journey rather than the destination, celebrating the process rather than the outcome, relishing experience rather than achievement, welcoming later rather than sooner...

The poets are: Joe De Iacovo, Helena Spyrou, Viv Wiles, Ahmed Hashim, Hidayet Ceylan, Matt Hetherington, and hosted by Angela Costi


Saloni M Panels and Forums (July 2008)
A series of discussions examining the artist with the international perspective

Saloni M Exhibits (September 2008)
The Gallery space will be adorned with the art of the ‘mati’ – the evil eye – which has many resonances for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern artists.


Since the huge success of the Saloni M 2005 event, which packed out the North Melbourne Town Hall, the Saloni M collective has unfolded to allow its individual artists to explore their own artistic terrain and to reconvene in 2008 to further their collaboration.

In the meantime, many of the artists in the collective have pursued their personal artistic goals. Some of these artists and their achievements are:


artist: Connie Mitropoulos
medium: digital photo
size: 30 x 21cm
date: 2006

Connie Mitropoulos:
She was one of four artists chosen to exhibit at the 'Our Backyard' event organised by Multicultural Arts Victoria as part of their MIX IT UP celebration for 2006. In 2007, she recently exhibited a photographic work entitled 'ThemiShadow' at the Kodak Salon held at the Centre of Contemporary Photography in Fitzroy, Melbourne.

Bill Mousoulis:
He has been as active as ever on the filmmaking front, completing two feature films in recent times -- Blue Notes (2006), and A Nocturne (2007). Blue Notes picked up several awards at the Melbourne Underground Film Festival in July 2006. A Nocturne was the Opening Night film of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival in September 2007. This amazing vampire story was written with fellow Saloni M artist, Ali Alizadeh.

Ali Alizadeh:
He has continued to publish his writing far and wide, and had a critically acclaimed book of poetry published by Salt publishing, titled Eyes in Times of War. He has also published a book of translations from Persian with Kenneth Avery, titled Fifty Poems of Attar. Ali is now based in Ankara, Turkey teaching at Bilkent University.

Helena Spyrou:
She is currently the writer in residence at the Carlton Public Housing Estate, Melbourne, which is earmarked for demolition. Together with Angela Bailey, photographer, they recently launched The Pink Room, an exhibition of their creative work while based at this Housing Estate. At the Emerging Writers’ Festival 2007, Helena delivered a workshop which examined the process of how Saloni M accesses its wide and diverse audiences for each of its events.

Angela Costi:
She has continued to publish and perform her poetry, and has recently launched her poetry collection, Honey and Salt, which is part of the Five Islands Press: New Poets Series. At the Emerging Writers’ Festival 2007, Angela delivered a paper on Saloni M and its perception as being part of the ‘Spunky New Ghetto’ in arts and literature.

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